Re: Bad Advise

Harold van Aalderen (
Tue, 26 Jul 1994 14:30:08 +0200

In message <> you write:
> Here is some advise from Sun that I highly recommend you DO NOT DO.
> If you look at the MAN page for ftpd, you will see the following 
> advise: 
>      the following rules are recommended. 
>      ~ftp)
>           Make the home directory owned by ``ftp'' and unwritable
>           by anyone. 

I haven't seen a system yet where this is _NOT_ in the manpage of ftpd.
I guess it was in the original BSD manpage and nobody ever bothers 
to update it.

AIX all versions, IRIX all versions, UNICOS and as mentioned SunOS
all state the ~ftp should be owned by user ftp and mode 555. Some of
these systems do allow the SITE CHMOD command.
The first aftp-server I installed this way was hacked within 24 hours.
I informed CERT-NL (Dutch version of CERT) I got the reply that I should
follow the CERT recommendations about setting up anonymous ftp.

Harold van Aalderen 			      |email:
system programmer/site security contact       | 
SARA (Academic Computing Services Amsterdam)  |phone: +31 20 5923000
PO Box 94613 1090 GP Amsterdam The Netherlands|fax  : +31 20 6683167